173. Images of Earth with copied clouds is proof that all pictures of Earth from space are fake

"NASA has several alleged photographs of the ball-Earth which show several exact duplicate cloud patterns!  The likelihood of having two or three clouds of the exact same shape in the same picture is as likely as finding two or three people with exactly the same fingerprints. In fact it is solid proof that the clouds were copied and pasted in a computer program and that such pictures showing a ball- shaped Earth are fakes." 

Yes we know.  Proves nothing

This is the picture of Earth made famous by its inclusion on Iphones.  The history of this photo is well documented.


Robert Simmon and Reto Stöckli, the two NASA employees who created this image, readily admit there are numerous fakeries in his image.   It's not a conspiracy if it is well documented, readily admitted and easily looked up by anyone who cares to.

  • The image is a composite of strips taken over the course of 4 months.
  • The atmosphere is Photoshop blur.
  • Some of the clouds are collaged together using Photoshop’s clone tool to cover gaps in the satellite’s coverage.
  • The black area around the earth is a background of black colour that Simmon placed the earth on top of. (This is done even for many unfiltered/unaltered images of Earth simply to create a pleasing composition).

The image was created in an attempt to undercut people who were at the time selling false colour images of Earth from black and white NASA images and charging as much as $10,000 a shot.

Now of course things have moved on.  There are many unfiltered and unaltered photos of Earth from space.

See proof 171 for a list of some of these.  Do your “analysis” on these photos Mr Dubay.

Lastly, it is absurd to think that NASA with a budget of billions could be so incompetent in faking photos if they wanted to as part of some global conspiracy.

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