172. Non moving clouds from time-lapse footage of Earth proves the images are fake

"If you pick any cloud in the sky and watch for several minutes, two things will happen: the clouds will move and they will morph gradually changing shape. In official NASA footage of the spinning ball Earth, such as the “Galileo” time-lapse video however, clouds are constantly shown for 24+ hours at a time and not moving or morphing whatsoever! This is completely impossible, further proof that NASA produces fake CGI videos, and further evidence that Earth is not a spinning ball."

Dubay does not understand the differences of scale

When you look up at a cloudy sky you can make out individual clouds and see these clouds visibly forming, changing and dissipating.

A satellite is much further away and does not pick out individual clouds.  Satellite photos only show global weather patterns.

What may look like a completely blue area of sky on a satellite may have sparely spread clouds, and an area that looks like solid white clouds may have gaps of blue sky.

So clouds may be forming and dissipating in an area of the sky, but the area as seen from the satellite might look very similar many hours later.

Dubay's claim that the clouds do not move at all in the Galileo time-lapse video is just more lies.  You can clearly see the clouds moving. 

However it is easier to see when we compare the still images at the start and the end of the video, I.e. after nearly a full rotation of the Earth.  The cloud patterns are undeniably different.

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