62. The Bedford Levels experiment proved things did not disappear over the horizon as they would on a spherical Earth

“Samuel Rowbotham’s experiments at the Old Bedford Level proved conclusively the canal’s water to be completely flat over a 6 mile stretch. First he stood in the canal with his telescope held 8 inches above the surface of the water, then his friend in a boat with a 5 foot tall flag sailed the 6 miles away. If Earth were a ball 25,000 miles in circumference the 6 mile stretch of water should have comprised an arc exactly 6 feet high in the middle, so the entire boat and flag should have ultimately disappeared, when in fact the entire boat and flag remained visible at the same height for the entire journey.”

The results of this experiment by Samuel Rowbotham in 1838 did indeed suggest a flat Earth, however Dubay fails to mention that subsequent experiments showed that the original experiment was flawed and that the Earth was in fact curved and that objects did disappear over the horizon.

The reason that the flag could be seen well beyond the horizon was because of refraction.  Flat earthers don't like it when refraction is mentioned, but it is a well documented phenomenon.  However since very few people take atmospheric pressure readings when making observations usually accurate predictions of the effects of refraction are not usually possible.


However what is certain is that when the air nearer the ground is colder and hence more dense than the air above a certain amount of refraction will take place making object visible even when they are below the horizon.

What was needed was an experiment that gave a definitive result regardless of the effects of defraction.  Following a wager with a flat earther names Hampton, Alfred Russel Wallace's solution was to place a pole halfway between.  If the Earth was curved, then the middle pole would be seen to be higher than the furthest pole, and if the Earth was flat the top of the poles would be perfectly in line.

The result does not depend on whether refraction is taking place or not.
The result showed that the centre pole was indeed higher, and that the earth is in fact not flat.

Interestingly, Hampden subsequently published a pamphlet alleging that Wallace had cheated and sued for his money. Several protracted court cases ensued, with the result that Hampden was imprisoned for threatening to kill Wallace and for libel.

So this matter has been settled in an English court of law.  Not surprisingly flat earthers continue accuse Wallace of cheating.


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