163. Space-walk footage is faked

"NASA and other space agencies have been caught time and again with air bubbles forming and floating off in their official “outer-space” footage. Astronauts have also been caught using scuba- space-gear, kicking their legs to move, and astronaut Luca Parmitano even almost drowned when water started filling up his helmet while allegedly on a “space-walk.” It is admitted that astronauts train for their “space-walks” in under- water training facilities like NASA’s “Neutral Buoyancy Lab,” but what is obvious from their “space bubbles,” and other blunders is that all official “space-walk” footage is also fake and filmed under- water." 

Dubay provides no evidence as usual

As Dubay admits the photo provided is a video of an astronaut training underwater, which makes sense since it gives them some idea of how it will feel when they are weightless in orbit.  If he has evidence of visible bubbles in space walk footage, why didn’t he include that instead?

Obviously because he has no evidence and is just making stuff up again.

Regarding Luca Parmitano … A space suit obviously has a life support system.  Part of this is responsible for cooling, and this uses water.  The system also extracts excess moisture from the suit and feeds that into the cooling system.  It is this water that leaked into the space suit.

It may surprise you that a space suit has a cooling system because we think of space as cold, but in fact during exercise we lose 85% of our heat through evaporation.  A space suit is a closed system, so that heat remains inside the suit.  Under normal circumstances we lose 20% of our heat through conduction, but vacuum does not conduct heat, so this heat remains inside the suit.  The space suit can lose heat through radiation, but this is not enough to prevent a build up of heat.  In addition to that, the Sun is not masked by Earth’s atmosphere so it will heat up the space suit a lot (by radiation) when in direct sunlight.

As an aside many people do not realise that commercial airliners  have to be cooled down even when they are flying at an altitude of 35,000 feet where the outside air temperature is about minus 50℃.

Anyhow … back to the point.  I ask you, which of the follwing is more likely?
  1. That NASA was making a fake space walk video underwater where an actor almost drowned, and instead of just destroying the incriminating footage and keeping quiet they made up a story about a leaking life support system and released the footage.
  2. The suit had a leaky life support system.
I think this counts as evidence space walks are real because there are absolutely no credible reasons for why NASA would release this information in the first place other than events took place as the described.

Maybe they are just lazy?  Ran out of film and the film shop was closed?  Could not afford to pay the actor overtime?  Yea right.

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