
Showing posts from July, 2018

Common sense tells us the Earth is flat

Dubay repeatedly sites "Common Sense" as a way of "proving" that the Earth is flat, believing common sense can be the basis of all correct reasoning.  It isn't.  Common sense is less a way to understand the world, than a way to survive without having to understand it. Definition of Common sense “Sound practical judgement that is independent of specialised knowledge, training, or the like.” From "Common sense ... is extremely good at making the world seem sensible, quickly classifying believable information as old news, rejecting explanations that don’t coincide with experience, and ignoring counterfactuals. Viewed this way, common sense starts to seem less like a way to understand the world, than a way to survive without having to understand it. That may have been a perfectly fine design for most of evolutionary history, whe...

Antarctica does not exist

Antarctica is a tricky problem for flat earthers.  It's very existence disproves flat Earth so they have no option but to simply deny its existence and ignore all evidence to the contrary.   In order to ignore all the evidence they are then forced to concoct all manner of conspiracy theories, including imaginary armies of soldiers stopping people from attempting to go there, non existent international agreements, made up no fly zones and an endless stream of fake videos and accounts from tourists and adventurers. It would be straight forward to prove its existence or non existence simply by attempting to charter a plane for an overflight but no flat earther has ever tried.  Flat earthers never seem that keen on actually putting their ideas to the test, presumably because it is easier to believe nonsense if you never look into it too closely. 42. The distances travelled in Antarctic expeditions are incompatible with a spherical Earth “In the ...

The routes that commercial aircraft take only make sense on a flat Earth

Why does Dubay think airline routes prove the Earth is flat? Source: Dubay observes that most airline traffic is via airports in the northern hemisphere are tries to persuade us that consequentially the Earth must be flat because airlines would "obviously" travel the shortest route possible.    This proposition relies on ignorance of the Hub and Spoke model that commercial airlines operate in order to maximise the routes that they can offer and their profits. The ignorance many be Dubay's, or possibly Dubay is relying on the ignorance of his readers to pull the wool over their eyes. He also goes further by lying that ALL flights route via the northern hemisphere, which of course on a flat Earth they would have to. What is the Hub model and how does it work? Airline hubs or hub airports are used by one or more airlines to concentrate passenger traffic and flight operations at a given airport. They serve as transfer (or stop-ove...

Gravity does not exist

Denying that gravity exists at first seems like a bizarre battle for flat earthers to choose to fight since we can all feel it's effect.  However what they are really denying is that mass causes gravitational pull. Science's definition of gravitational force "The gravitational attraction force between two point masses is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their separation distance. The force is always attractive and acts along the line joining them." If the above definition of gravity is true, then the measurable facts that the force of gravity is roughly the same at all locations on Earth, and that we do not experience a sideways pull,  means that the Earth MUST be a sphere.  It would be impossible for these facts to be true on a flat Earth. Imagine standing in New Zealand, a country close to the edge of a flat Earth.  Most of the mass of the Earth would be towards the North Pole, so you...

Eric Dubay is very confused about elevation above sea level on a spherical Earth

Eric Dubay does not accept that the Earth is a sphere, but if he wants to debunk this idea he needs to properly understand scientist's explanations of how things work on a spherical Earth in order to point out where they are going wrong. Unfortunately Dubay seems incapable of this. This page details his confusion about what elevation is on a spherical Earth. In his mind Dubay sees the curve of a spherical Earth and then treats it as if it is a hill on a flat Earth. Imagine a line from one location on Earth to another.  In Dubay's mind he sees the mid point on spherical Earth as being a “hump” above the line.    Eric Dubay thinks that this hump is equivalent to elevation and that you would need to travel up hill as you move over the "hump". This is not how elevation works. Science maintains that gravity exerts a force towards the centre of mass which means that Earth’s gravity exerts its force towards the centre of the Earth.  This means that ...

Eric Dubay is a liar

On this page I've collected all of Eric Dubay's "proofs" where you can easily check yourself that Eric Dubay is blatantly lying and must know that he is lying. He has resorted to lying so often that it made me wonder whether he really believes the nonsense that he spouts, or whether he is just doing it for the notoriety or financial gain.  5. If Earth were sphere that would mean that the Nile would sometimes be running uphill “One portion of the Nile River flows for a thousand miles with a fall of only one foot. Parts of the West African Congo, according to the supposed inclination and movement of the ball-Earth, would be sometimes running uphill and sometimes down. This would also be the case for the Parana, Paraguay and other long rivers.” 9. Dubay tries to pass off a flat Earth magazine as a respected scientific publication Dubay refers to an article in the "Earth Review". The actual name of the publication was the ...