Contents 21-30
21. Helicopters and balloons should be able to hover and wait for the earth to move under them in order to get to their destinations

” If the Earth were truly constantly spinning Eastwards at over 1000mph, helicopters and hot-air balloons should be able to simply hover over the surface of the Earth and wait for their destinations to come to them!”
22. Felix Baumgartner’s high altitude balloon jump would end with him landing in the Pacific Ocean if the earth were rotating

“If Earth were truly constantly spinning Eastwards at over 1000mph, during the Red Bull stratosphere dive, Felix Baumgartner, spending 3 hours ascending over New Mexico, should have landed 2500 miles West into the Pacific Ocean but instead landed a few dozen miles East of the take-off point.”
23. Believers in a spherical earth claim that gravity causes the atmosphere to rotate with the earth
“Ball-believers often claim “gravity” magically and inexplicably drags the entire lower-atmosphere of the Earth in perfect synchronization up to some undetermined height where this progressively faster spinning atmosphere gives way to the non-spinning, non-gravitized, non-atmosphere of infinite vacuum space. Such non-sensical theories are debunked, however, by rain, fireworks, birds, bugs, clouds, smoke, planes and projectiles all of which would behave very differently if both the ball-Earth and its atmosphere were constantly spinning Eastwards at 1000mph.”
24. On a rotating earth, west facing cannons would fire their cannon balls significantly further than east facing cannons

“If Earth and its atmosphere were constantly spinning eastwards over 1000 mph then North/South facing cannons should establish a control while East-firing cannonballs should fall significantly farther than all others while West-firing cannonballs should fall significantly closer. In actual fact, however, regardless of which direction cannons are fired, the distance covered is always the same.”
25. On a rotating earth, eastward commercial flights would never be able to reach their destinations. I.e. Earth is spinning faster than a plane can fly

“If Earth and its atmosphere were constantly spinning eastwards over 1000 mph, then the average commercial airliner travelling 500 mph should never be able to reach its Eastward destinations before they come speeding up from behind! Likewise Westward destinations should be arrived at thrice the speed, but this is not the case.”
26. A quote from a Flat Earth believer makes the same point as proof 25

“Quoting “Heaven and Earth” by Gabrielle Henriet, “If flying had been invented at the time of Copernicus, there is no doubt that he would have soon realized that his contention regarding the rotation of the earth was wrong, on account of the relation existing between the speed of an aircraft and that of the earth’s rotation. If the earth rotates, as it is said, at 1,000 miles an hour, and a plane flies in the same direction at only 500 miles, it is obvious that its place of destination will be farther removed every minute. On the other hand, if flying took place in the direction opposite to that of the rotation, a distance of 1,500 miles would be covered in one hour, instead of 500, since the speed of the rotation is to be added to that of the plane. It could also be pointed out that such a flying speed of 1,000 miles an hour, which is supposed to be that of the earth’s rotation, has recently been achieved, so that an aircraft flying at this rate in the same direction as that of the rotation could not cover any ground at all. It would remain suspended in mid-air over the spot from which it took off, since both speeds are equal.””
27. On a fast spinning Earth airplanes landing on runways would be practically impossible

“If Earth and its atmosphere were constantly spinning Eastwards over 1000 mph, landing airplanes on such fast-moving runways which face all manner of directions North, South, East, West and otherwise would be practically impossible, yet in reality such fictional concerns are completely negligible.”
28. If Earth and its atmosphere were spinning eastwards over 1000 mph clouds could not be travelling casually in different directions

“If Earth and its atmosphere were constantly spinning Eastwards over 1000 mph then clouds, wind and weather patterns could not casually and unpredictably go every which way, with clouds often travelling in different directions at different.”
29. Dubay asks why we can't feel a wind if the atmosphere is spinning eastwards at 1000 mph
“If the Earth and its atmosphere were constantly spinning Eastwards over 1000 mph, this should somewhere somehow be seen, heard, felt or measured by someone, yet no one in history has ever experienced this alleged Eastward motion; meanwhile, however, we can hear, feel and experimentally measure even the slightest Westward breeze.”
30. Dubay quotes historical figures observing higher clouds travelling in the different directions to lower clouds and claims that this is only compatible with a Flat Earth

“In his book “South Sea Voyages,” Arctic and Antarctic explorer Sir James Clarke Ross, described his experience on the night of November 27th, 1839 and his conclusion that the Earth must be motionless: “The sky being very clear … it enabled us to observe the higher stratum of clouds to be moving in an exactly opposite direction to that of the wind--a circumstance which is frequently recorded in our meteorological journal both in the north-east and south-east trades, and has also often been observed by former voyagers. Captain Basil Hall witnessed it from the summit of the Peak of Teneriffe; and Count Strzelechi, on ascending the volcanic mountain of Kiranea, in Owhyhee, reached at 4000 feet an elevation above that of the trade wind, and experienced the influence of an opposite current of air of a different hygrometric and thermometric condition … Count Strzelechi further informed me of the following seemingly anomalous circumstance--that at the height of 6000 feet he found the current of air blowing at right angles to both the lower strata, also of a different hygrometric and thermometric condition, but warmer than the inter-stratum. Such a state of the atmosphere is compatible only with the fact which other evidence has demonstrated, that the earth is at rest.””
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