Debunking Eric Dubay's 200 proofs the earth is not a spinning ball

Conspiracy Baloney aims to provide resources to counter to the influence of the crazy anti-science conspiracy theories that are out there.

This blog is specifically to debunk Eric Dubay's " 200 proofs the earth is not a spinning ball", that I have found flat earthers often cite.

There are quite a few resources out there that comprehensively debunk this book, but I think that one more voice can only help.  I have tried to keep the rebuttals as non technical as possible.

Eric Dubay’s proofs are laughably simplistic and demonstrate an almost complete lack of understanding of maths and anything scientific or technical.

A list of "proofs" that show Dubay is an idiot

He also likes to give historical quotes as proofs.  Typical are quotes from the 1800’s but he even has one from before 1600!.  Not only are these opinions not proof of anything, but the fact that he can’t provide quotes from more up to date sources destroys their credibility.

Worse, he repeatedly lies outright.  A common pattern is wherever there is easily observable proof that the earth is not flat, Dubay “gets one in first” by trying to discredit it by simply denying the observation … which of course he must do in order to keep flat earth nonsense alive.

He deliberately deceives his readers by taking quotes out of context.  An example of his blatant willingness to deceive is his repeated reference to quotes from “The Earth Review”.  The publication was actually called “The Earth Not a Globe Review” which would have exposed it as a flat Earth supporting publication and not a respected scientific publication.

A list of "proofs" that show Dubay is an liar

Misrepresentations of science is another common ploy.  For instance he repeatedly ridicules the “wobbling earth”, failing to mention that the axis wobble is incredibly tiny and slow.  Presumably he is trying to take advantage of people’s common perception of what a wobbling object is.

The more I go through his proofs the more I am convinced that he doesn’t really believe this nonsense himself, but is instead taking advantage of the gullible for self-promotion and profit.

As for having 200 proofs, he seems to think that quoting the opinion of other Flat Earth believers constitutes proof… which it does not in case you were in any doubt, and he is irritatingly repetitive.
He keeps repeating the same “proof” over and over again with slightly different examples.  Maybe he believes that repetition also constitutes proof.

One of his favourite books to quote from is “Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe (1881) written by Samuel Birley Rowbotham (Not Dr. as Dubay calls him).  Samuel Rowbotham once labelled a charlatan by the Leeds Times was hardly an upstanding citizen.  At one point he went under the false names “S Golden” and "Dr. Samuel Birley" (presumably where Dubay gets the Dr title from) selling quack secrets for prolonging life and cures for every disease imaginable and patenting crackpot inventions such as fire-proof starch and a 'life-preserving cylindrical railway carriage.

Oh ... and just to top it all Dubay is also an ignorant bigot, as evidenced by a nice piece on his web site explaining why Hitler was such a misunderstood fellow.
Eric Dubay the Hitler apologist and anti-Semite

Eric Dubay's 200 "proofs" in order >


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