Satellites do not exist

The existence of satellites cause a problem for flat Earthers because some mechanism for keeping them aloft would be required. Since flat earthers reject the notion of gravity as caused by mass, orbital mechanics could not work. 

 There is also the problem of the firmament, a dome that flat earthers believe covers the Earth, through which satellites would not be able to penetrate. 

Their answer ... simply to deny that satellites exist and give alternative explanations for how we obtain the services delivered by them, in each case omitting to provide any evidence at all ... apart from the odd blatant lie that are easily refuted. 

Maintaining that satellites do not exist also leads inevitability to having to invent a global conspiracy including Freemasons, NASA,  Zionists (according to Dubay) and many more.

Dubay could have just saved time and said “I don’t believe in Satellites”. To maintain that these statements prove anything is simply ridiculous.

162. Rockets never launch straight up because they never go to space
"All NASA and other “space agencies” rocket launches never go straight up. Every rocket forms a parabolic curve, peaks out, and inevitably starts falling back to Earth. The rockets which are declared “successful” are those few which don’t explode or start falling too soon but make it out of range of spectator view before crashing down into restricted waters and recovered. There is no magic altitude where rockets or anything else can simply go up, up, up and then suddenly just start “free-floating” in space. This is all a science-fiction illusion created by wires, green -screens, dark pools, some permed hair and Zero-G planes."
160. It is impossible for rockets or jets to work in space
"It is impossible for rockets or any type of jet propulsion engines to work in the alleged non-atmosphere of vacuum space because without air/atmosphere to push against there is nothing to propel the vehicle forwards. Instead the rockets and shuttles would be sent spinning around their own axis uncontrollably in all directions like a gyroscope. It would be impossible to fly to the Moon or go in any direction whatsoever, especially if “gravity” were real and constantly sucking you towards the closest densest body."
166. Satellites do not exist and are not needed for television or communication
"The “geostationary communications satellite” was first created by Freemason science -fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke and supposedly became science-fact just a decade later. Before this, radio, television, and navigation systems like LORAN and DECCA were already well-established and worked fine using only ground-based technologies. Nowadays huge fibre-optics cables connect the internet across oceans, gigantic cell towers triangulate GPS signals, and ionospheric propagation allows radio waves to be bounced all without the aid of the science-fiction best-seller known as “satellites.” "
168. Satellite phones use cellphone towers
"So-called “satellite” phones have been found to have reception problems in countries like Kazakhstan with very few cell phone towers. If the Earth were a ball with 20,000+ satellites surrounding, such blackouts should not regularly occur in any rural countryside areas."
169. Satellite dishes actually point to ground-based repeater towers
"So-called “satellite” TV dishes are almost always positioned at a 45 degree angle towards the nearest ground-based repeater tower. If TV antennae were actually picking up signals from satellites 100+ miles in space, most TV dishes should be pointing more or less straight up to the sky. The fact that “satellite” dishes are never pointing straight up and almost always positioned at a 45 degree angle proves they are picking up ground-based tower signals and not “outer-space satellites.” "
170. It is impossible to see satellites with the naked eye as claimed
"People even claim to see satellites with their naked eyes, but this is ridiculous considering they are smaller than a bus and allegedly 100+ miles away; It is impossible to see anything so small that far away. Even using telescopes, no one claims to discern the shape of satellites but rather describes seeing passing moving lights, which could easily be any number of things from airplanes to drones to shooting stars or other unidentified flying objects."
178. Google Earth uses high altitude planes not satellites
"People claim Google Earth somehow proves the ball model without realizing that Google Earth is simply a composite program of images taken from high-altitude planes and street-level car-cameras superimposed onto a CGI model of a ball Earth. The same could be just as easily modeled onto a square Earth or any other shape and therefore cannot be used as proof of Earth’s rotundity."


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