185. We can feel a car moving at a uniform speed so we should be able to feel the Earth rotating

"We are told that the Earth and atmosphere spin together at such a perfect uniform velocity that no one in history has ever seen, heard, felt or measured the supposed 1000mph movement. This is then often compared to traveling in a car at uniform velocity, where we only feel the movement during acceleration or deceleration. In reality, however, even with eyes closed, windows up, over smooth tar in a luxury car at a mere uniform 50mph, the movement absolutely can be felt! At 20 times this speed, Earth’s imaginary 1000mph spin would most certainly be noticeable, felt, seen and heard by all." 

Source: https://ruarrijoseph.com/avtomobili/671-vibraciya-na-skorosti-100-120-km-ch-osnovnye-prichiny.html

Apparently Dubay needs to have vibration explained to him

Driving a budget car along a rough road at 70 mph will feel like it is travelling much faster than a Rolls Royce travelling along a smooth highway at 100 mph.

This is because we are not feeling velocity we are feeling vibration.  Duh!

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