176. Variations in colour and continent size prove that images of Earth from space are fake

"When NASA’s images of the ball-Earth are compared with one another the coloration of the land/oceans and relative size of the continents are consistently so drastically different from one another as to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the pictures are all fake."

Enhanced images

Many of the images of Earth are documented as being colour enhanced.  Others are documented as unenhanced.   It is obvious that you cannot prove anything by comparing the colour of these two types of images.

Both the images above are used frequently on the Internet, but unfortunately I have not been able to find the sources to confirm that the left hand image is enhanced and the right hand image is unenhanced.  However if you look at the colour of the images shown in the following two links it would suggest that the image on the left is indeed enhanced and the one on the right unenhanced.  Consequently comparing these two images proves nothing.

Differences in the size of the continents

The difference in size however does need explanation.  This effect is caused by the images being taken from different distances.  If a photo is taken from far enough away, the 50% of the sphere is visible.  However the nearer to the earth that you get, at some point parts of the earth around the visible circumference will begin to be hidden.  You are seeing less than 50% of the sphere at this point which makes the details that you can see seem larger in comparison to the sphere as a whole.

Source: https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-blue-marble-photos-show-a-changing-earth.t6616/

Comparing unenhanced images

Even when comparing unenhanced images we can expect  some colour variations.  I would imagine it is obvious to most people why colour might vary.  However, in case Mr Dubay genuinely cannot understand I will go through the reasons why colours might differ in real photos.

Different cameras

This is an example of the difference between Nikon D750 and D800e.

Source: https://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/65399/why-are-the-colors-so-different-in-these-two-photos-from-different-cameras-even

This is an example of a scene taken with 3 different digital cameras.

Source: https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-blue-marble-photos-show-a-changing-earth.t6616/

Different technologies

A specific example of different cameras is when the cameras use different technologies.  In the following photos one is taken with a DSLR and one with a digital camera.

Source: https://petapixel.com/2018/02/22/film-vs-digital-can-tell-difference/

For satellite images the technologies include cameras that take pictures in different wavelengths.  To make a photo these different wavelength images need to be combined, and variations will occur depending on the combination process.  This does not make the photo fake.  The possibility of variations are just part of the process.

Different film brands

The following two photos are taken with the same camera but using different film brands

Source: http://www.japanexposures.com/2009/04/02/film-matters/

Camera settings

The following two photos have been taken with different exposure settings

Manual adjustment

The original images of earth generally look washed out colour wise.  Not surprisingly NASA adjusts the colour saturation of many images to make the image more vivid and attractive.  This does not mean the photo is fake, just colour enhanced.

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