48. Dubay lies about all planes between Santiago and Johannesburg travelling via Sengal

“On a ball-Earth Santiago, Chile to Johannesburg, South Africa should be an easy flight all taking place below the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern hemisphere, yet every listed flight makes a curious re-fueling stop in Senegal near the Tropic of Cancer in the North hemisphere first! When mapped on a flat Earth the reason why is clear to see, however, Senegal is actually directly in a straight-line path half-way between the two.”

Another blatant lie that exposes Dubay as a compulsive liar

I must admit that I got bored after looking for ANY flight from Santiago to Johannesburg that stopped in Senegal.  But after looking for a couple of days in March 2018 I FOUND NOT ONE, so the claim that every flight stops in Senegal is yet another blatant lie.

Either Dubay is a compulsive liar or he is confident that his audience isn't that interested in truth.

The reason behind this lie of a "proof" is that Dubay wishes you to believe that all airlines would choose to take the shortest route and that because most routes are via the northern hemisphere they would only be shortest if the Earth was flat.  Dubay either does not understand or ignores the fact that airlines operate a Hub and Spoke model which fully explains this without having to resort to a flat Earth.

Full explanation of the Hub and Spoke model

Most flat Earth believers want to believe this stuff so much that it seems they never bother to fact check pro flat Earth claims.  I guess this is one of the reasons that this ridiculous belief can keep going despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Check it yourself. at expedia.com

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